Yearly Archives: 2005

Six Sigma Hospitality

The Six Sigma Syndrome [the broken link was removed] by Saurabh Jaggi Starwood has run over 3000 projects worldwide to date in areas such as productivity, menu re-design, resort concierge, email marketing and launching a worldwide sales initiative. Another of … Continue reading

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Innovate or “Play it Safe” to Avoid Risk

The Xooglers blog has some really interesting posts. In one, “But, but, that’s just crazy talk!” [the broken link was removed], Doug Edwards discusses a great example of what true leadership is about. In my defense, my background conspired against … Continue reading

Posted in Creativity, Google, Innovation, Management, quote | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Data Based Decision Making

Acumen visits Google: As a first step, we hope to collaborate with interested Googlers to find better ways to learn what works around the world. Identifying powerful solutions to poverty that are useful to people in different settings, and that … Continue reading

Posted in Data, Google, Management | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Project Kaizen Co-Blogging Week

The Project Kaizen Co-Blogging Week has started. The posts in the first day have been interesting. Including, Improving Workgroups: The result is individuals doing individual work. People create their own training materials because the corporate materials “are proprietary” and there’s … Continue reading

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Performance of People and Appraisal

The Statistical and Scientific Thinking blog, by John Dowd, has several interesting posts on the Performance of People [the broken link was removed]: Why can’t performance be numerically rated and ranked? It can’t be defined operationally, it can’t be measured … Continue reading

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Google: Ten Golden Rules

Google: Ten Golden Rules [the broken link was removed] by Eric Schmidt and Hal Varian: At google, we think business guru Peter Drucker well understood how to manage the new breed of “knowledge workers.” After all, Drucker invented the term … Continue reading

Posted in Google, Innovation, Management | Tagged , , , | 7 Comments

Ford’s Wrong Turn

Mr. Ford’s Wrong Turn, Why U.S. Automakers Can’t Blame Japan by James P. Womack: What makes this claim so extraordinary is that Japanese companies, led by Toyota Motor Corp., are thrashing Ford by building vehicles in North American factories with … Continue reading

Posted in Lean thinking, Management, Management Articles, Manufacturing | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Gary Hamel’s Idea Hatchery

Gary Hamel’s Idea Hatchery [the broken link was removed] by Whitney Sparks: Q: So how do you hope to change the standard approach to management? A: Sometimes innovation is about creating a whole new class structure. Hierarchies are not very … Continue reading

Posted in Books, Creativity, Education, Innovation | Tagged | 1 Comment

Excessive Executive Pay

Topic: Management Improvement Via Christian Sarkar [the broken link was removed], Too Many Turkeys, The Economist: Executive compensation in America – already far ahead of the rest of the world, despite the best efforts of overseas managers to catch up … Continue reading

Posted in Management, Psychology, Respect | Tagged , , , , , , | 18 Comments

Landscaping Firm Following Deming

Building a landscaping firm Brickman by Brickman [the broken link was removed] by Steve Berberich Each Brickman branch operates with a standard production model that the company developed in the late 1970s with consultant and renowned statistician W. Edwards Deming, … Continue reading

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