Monthly Archives: August 2008

Kiva Fellows Blog: Nepalese Entrepreneur Success

Kiva is a great charity and example of how to use the web effectively. Kiva has added a fellows blog – which is a great idea. Continue reading

Posted in Economics, Respect | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Posts from August 2005

Purpose of an Organization – New Economics, page 51: The aim proposed here for any organization is for everybody to gain – stockholders, employees, suppliers, customers, community, the environment – over the long term. Going Lean in Health Care – … Continue reading

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Future Directions for Agile Management

Agile management (agile software development specifically) is something that makes a big difference in my work life. David Anderson consistently provides great ideas on agile management and he does so again in this 90 minute presentation on the future directions … Continue reading

Posted in Customer focus, Deming, Innovation, IT, Lean thinking, Management, quote, Software Development, Systems thinking | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

Tiger Woods and Lightning Bolt

You have done pretty well when you can get people to post your ads on their blogs for the enjoyment of their readers. Enjoy this creativity and have a nice weekend. While on sports I also will mention Usain ‘Lightning’ … Continue reading

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How is this for Gobbledygook? Your home banking access code is expired! You must change your access code at this time. Your access code: * may be between 4 and 20 characters in length * must not have been changed … Continue reading

Posted in Customer focus, IT, Management, Software Development | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

The Power of Small Teams

The power of small teams [broken link was removed] by Avi Muchnick Choose a project that is simple to implement. Don’t try to create a complex suite of applications… Focus on solving a single problem. Philip Kaplan made email more … Continue reading

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Lean IT Systems – Not ERP

I am not sure, IT needs to get lean on manufacturing [broken link was removed], does the clearest job of explaining some things, but it does state some things well: …you can see how typical offshoring doesn’t work here, as … Continue reading

Posted in IT, Lean thinking, Management, Manufacturing, Systems thinking | 2 Comments

Lean Management in Policing

Justice served up Jacksonville–style is all lean [broken link was removed] by Joe Jancsurak: The Jacksonville Sheriff Office’s (JSO) Crime Reducing Initiatives Management and Enforcement Strategies (CRIMES) measures, tracks and analyzes crime-fighting statistics, such as the number of arrests and … Continue reading

Posted in Lean thinking, Management, Management Articles, Public Sector | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Management Improvement Carnival #41

Please submit your favorite management posts to the carnival. Read the previous management carnivals. Could Microsoft’s Windows Be Disrupted? by Scott Anthony – “as Clayton Christensen pointed out in his seminal book The Innovators’ Dilemma, market leadership isn’t just an … Continue reading

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Don’t Do What Your Users Say

In, Don’t do what your users say [the broken link was removed], Hanford Lemoore, provides a nice illustration of why customer focus is important but must be done with care. in UI design it’s important to understand that what a … Continue reading

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