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Tag Archives: experiments
The Art of Discovery
Quality and The Art of Discovery by Professor George Box (1990): Quotes by George Box in the video: “I think of statistical methods as the use of science to make sense of numbers” “The scientific method is how we increase … Continue reading
Posted in Creativity, Data, Innovation, Management, Process improvement, Quality tools, Science, Statistics
Tagged control chart, curiouscat, Data, evidence based management, experiments, George Box, Innovation, learning, Process improvement, quote, respect for people, Statistics, technology, webcast
Accept Taking Risks, Don’t Blithely Accept Failure Though
For discussion by ASQ’s Influential Voices this month, Paul Borawski looks at Risk, Failure & Careers in Quality. There is a bias toward avoiding the possibility of failure by avoiding actions which may lead to failure or even any action … Continue reading
Posted in Innovation, Management, Systems thinking
Tagged ASQ Influential Voices, experiments, Innovation, poka yoke
Introductory Videos on Using Design of Experiments to Improve Results
The video shows Stu Hunter discussing design of experiments in 1966. It might be a bit slow going at first but the full set of videos really does give you a quick overview of the many important aspects of design … Continue reading
Posted in Data, Design of Experiments, Science, Six sigma, Statistics
Tagged Data, Design of Experiments, engineering, experiments, Process improvement, Science, Six sigma, Statistics, variation, webcast
Richard Feynman Explains the PDSA Cycle
Ok, really Richard Feynman Explains the scientific method. But his thoughts make the similarity between the PDSA cycle and the scientific method obvious. 1) Plan, hypothesis. You make a guess about a theory (in using the PDSA cycle this step … Continue reading
Posted in Process improvement, Quality tools, Science
Tagged experiments, PDSA, Popular, prediction, Process improvement, Quality tools, Science
Keys to the Effective Use of the PDSA Improvement Cycle
The PDSA improvement cycle was created by Walter Shewhart where Dr. Deming learned about it. An improvement process is now part of many management improvement methods (A3 for lean manufacturing, DMAIC for six sigma and many other modifications). They are … Continue reading
Posted in Data, Deming, Management, Popular, Process improvement, Quality tools, quote, Systems thinking
Tagged continual improvement, curiouscat, Data, Deming, experiments, management, PDSA, Popular, Process improvement, Quality tools, quote
Factorial Designed Experiment Aim
Multivariate experiments are a very powerful management tool to learn and improve performance. Experiments in general, and designed factorial experiments in particular, are dramatically underused by managers. A question on LinkedIn asks? When doing a DOE we select factors with … Continue reading
Learn by Seeking Knowledge – Not Just from Mistakes
Being open to new ideas and new knowledge is what is needed to learn. Experimenting, seeking out new knowledge is even better. You can be successful and see an even better way to do things and learn from it. This … Continue reading
Problems With Student Evaluations as Measures of Teacher Performance
Dr. Deming was, among other things a professor. He found the evaluation of professors by students an unimportant (and often counterproductive measure) – used in some places for awards and performance appraisal. He said for such a measure to be … Continue reading
Posted in Deming, Education, Performance Appraisal, Psychology, Science
Tagged Customer focus, Data, Deming, Education, experiments, Performance Appraisal, Psychology, Science, system thinking
Extrinsic Incentives Kill Creativity
If you read this blog, you know I believe extrinsic motivation is a poor strategy. This TED webcast Dan Pink discusses studies showing extrinsic rewards failing. This is a great webcast, definitely worth 20 minutes of your time. “you’ve got … Continue reading
YouTube Uses Multivariate Experiment To Improve Sign-ups 15%
Google does a great job of using statistical and engineering principles to improve. It is amazing how slow we are to adopt new ideas but because we are it provides big advantages to companies like Google that use concepts like … Continue reading
Posted in Customer focus, Data, Design of Experiments, Google, IT, Management, Process improvement, Quality tools, quote, Science, Software Development, Statistics
Tagged curiouscat, Customer focus, Data, Design of Experiments, experiments, Google, Innovation, internet, management, Science, Software Development, Statistics