Tag Archives: fear

Taking Risks Based on Evidence

My opinion has long been that football teams are too scared to take an action that is smart but opens the coach to criticism. So instead of attempting to make it on 4th down (if you don’t understand American football, … Continue reading

Posted in Competition, Creativity, Data, Innovation, Management, Psychology | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Learn by Seeking Knowledge – Not Just from Mistakes

Being open to new ideas and new knowledge is what is needed to learn. Experimenting, seeking out new knowledge is even better. You can be successful and see an even better way to do things and learn from it. This … Continue reading

Posted in Career, Creativity, Deming, Innovation, Process improvement, Psychology, Systems thinking | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Lean Leaders

Lean leaders [the broken link was removed] by April Terreri: Tim Corcoran, vice president of ZF Sales & Services, NA, LLC, that re-manufactures automotive transmissions and steering systems in Vernon Hills, IL. “We had a number of false starts by … Continue reading

Posted in Deming, Lean thinking, Management, Management Articles, Psychology, Quality tools | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Lean Leaders

Fear Remains a Toyota Motivator

First, don’t let the title fool you, this is not an indication Toyota is going against Deming’s obligation of management to “Drive out fear and build trust so that everyone can work effectively”. Deming was talking about driving out the … Continue reading

Posted in Deming, Lean thinking, Management, Management Articles, Psychology, Toyota Production System (TPS) | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Fear Remains a Toyota Motivator

Managing Fear

The post, Root Causes of Crunch Mode from the Game Manager blog makes the good point that Fear and anxiety are known to reduce comprehension and learning ability. W. Edwards Deming made “drive out fear” one of his 14 management … Continue reading

Posted in Deming, Management, Psychology, quote, Respect | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment