Yearly Archives: 2005

Lean Forest Products

On The Move NRRI Forest Products promotes ‘lean’ manufacturing processes [the broken link was removed] by Chuck Watson: “Since U.S. furniture manufacturers typically had lead times greater than four to eight weeks, China could build and ship products to the … Continue reading

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Carnival of Lean Leadership #3

Carnival of Lean Leadership #3 [the broken link was removed] from Evolving Excellence once again does a great job of collection links to posts worth reading, including: A big welcome to Norman Bodek, who has started his own blog, Kaikaku. … Continue reading

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Be Thankful for Lean Thinking

Topics: Management Improvement and Economics The Dallas Federal Reserve white paper, Supply Chain Management: The Science of Better, Faster, Cheaper [the broken link was removed] by Thomas F. Siems provides a macroeconmic view of what to be thankful due to … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, Lean thinking, Management, Six sigma | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Performance Transformation

Six steps to success – How to drive performance transformation by Gautam Kumra (India): Other companies encourage “lean” thinking, which began as an automotive-inspired and assembly-oriented methodology but which today is as established in many financial processes, service industries and … Continue reading

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Innovation and Research and Development

Innovation and R&D by John Hagel: From a competitive viewpoint, what matters is the relative rate of productivity improvement. R&D spending and patent filings will matter little if they do not translate into faster productivity improvement -– in fact, they … Continue reading

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Process Leadership

Process Leadership [the broken link was removed] by Daniel T Jones: the most promising approach is to create a small team, led by a high potential executive, operating initially outside the normal departmental structure and reporting to the top. They … Continue reading

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The Economist on Drucker

Trusting the teacher in the grey-flannel suit: He was a harsh critic of the assembly-line system of production that then dominated the manufacturing sector – —partly because assembly lines moved at the speed of the slowest and partly because they … Continue reading

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Laurence Haughton on Peter Drucker

Laurence Haughton on Peter Drucker [the broken link was removed]: He criticized organizations who issued directives to “cut 5 or 10 percent from budgets across the board.” … And I’ll bet others can find 100 additional quoted and ignored lessons … Continue reading

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Superior Customer Experiences

Grow Your Business Through Superior Customer Experiences [the broken link was removed] by D. Randall Brandt and Rodger Stotz: In that study, Oakley found that there is a direct link between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction, and between customer satisfaction … Continue reading

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Management Science for Software Engineering

Management Science for Software Engineering [the broken link was removed]: using the Theory of Constraints 5 focusing steps and the drum-buffer-rope solution for production flow problems, it was possible to increase the productivity of a sustained engineering department by more … Continue reading

Posted in IT, Management Articles, Software Development, Theory of Constraints | Tagged , | 3 Comments