Tag Archives: waste

Productivity Improvement for Entrepreneurs (and Everybody Else Really)

The 3 Factors That are Limiting Your Productivity [the broken link has been removed] by Evan Carmichael Elimination is at the core of every successful business. You have to focus on what you’re really good [at], what drives your business … Continue reading

Posted in Career, Management, Process improvement, Systems thinking | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Not Exactly Lean Packaging

HP shatters excessive packaging world record (17 boxes to protect 32 A4 sheets of paper) Stephen said: “Imagine our excitement as we opened it, hoping against hope that it might contain a copy of some c-class virtual connect firmware that … Continue reading

Posted in Customer focus, Lean thinking, Management, Process improvement | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Reduce Computer Waste

High-efficiency power supplies for home computers and servers [the broken link was removed] (pdf) by Urs Hoelzle and Bill Weihl – Google: Most likely, the computer you’re using wastes 30-40% of the electrical power it consumes because it is using … Continue reading

Posted in Google, Innovation, IT, Lean thinking | Tagged , | 6 Comments

Using Google to Eliminate Some IT Costs

Computer Science 101: A Case Study In Google Applications [the broken link was removed]: Sannier plans to shut down the university’s own e-mail servers later this spring. When that happens, thousands more will move over. The portal provides access to … Continue reading

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What Is Muda?

What Is Muda? [the broken link was removed] by Norman Bodek Excellent article on lean thinking, management improvement and eliminating waste. Setup time and machine downtime are wastes and should be eliminated. I remember visiting a washing machine plant in … Continue reading

Posted in Lean thinking, Management, Management Articles | Tagged , | 1 Comment

IQ and Muda: Information Quality Eliminates Waste

IQ and Muda: Information Quality Eliminates Waste [the broken link was removed] by Larry English The article provides an explanation of each of these 9 types of muda and relates them to information quality: There are nine types of muda … Continue reading

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