Tag Archives: aim

The Power of Purpose

The Power of Purpose by Rebecca A. Morgan: Constancy of purpose means that quality decisions are not situational. End of month quality is the same as beginning of month. It means that the long term benefit of the organization is … Continue reading

Posted in Deming, Management, Management Articles | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Innovation at Toyota

The Birth of the Prius by Alex Taylor III: By the end of 1993 the development team had determined that higher oil prices and a growing middle class around the world would require the new car to be both roomy … Continue reading

Posted in Innovation, Management, Systems thinking, Toyota Production System (TPS) | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Toyota as Homebuilder

Topic: Management Improvement Toyota Home – Applying the Toyota Production System to Home Building (broken link removed) from Evolving Excellence Toyota is all about cars and trucks, right? Not quite. I was just pointed to the Toyota Home page on … Continue reading

Posted in Customer focus, Management, Toyota Production System (TPS) | Tagged , , , , , | 5 Comments