Management Improvement Carnival #72

Jon Miller is hosting the Management Improvement Carnival #72 on the Gemba Panta Rei blog, highlights include:

  • Three Key Principles when Leading without Authority – One piece of advice passed down by Toyota managers is to “lead as if you had no power” George Ambler writes about the three key principles of leading without authority. They are built around having enthusiasm, humility and the strength to not let results come before leadership. Most of us who lead or attempt to do so are lacking in one or more of these areas. If I said that my weakness was enthusiasm, would that mean I fail at humility?
  • Lean Accounting SuperGroup – Although not exactly a blog, the Lean Accounting SuperGroup is a destination for its growing body of information on lean, management and how to count correctly. The five videos introducing lean accounting are not t be missed.
  • When is it time for lean “lite”? – For a full scale implementation there are certain things that should first be in place, but there are plenty of broken windows we can fix. Jamie Flinchbaugh tells us that it’s better to get started where you can, stumble and learn than to wait.
  • What if we chose leaders differently? – This was a thought provoking piece on Wally Block’s Three Star Leadership Blog. Those of us who live in countries where we can elect our leaders are fortunate, and should ask ourselves this question. I do every election cycle, looking at the choices we are given for leaders. On a more practical level, anyone who is a member of a team or a leader of a team has influence on the selection of a leader. The answers to this question aren’t easy but this is a question worth pondering.

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