Management Improvement Carnival #18

Management Improvement Carnival #18 is hosted by Ron Pereira at the Lean Six Sigma Academy. Some highlights include:

  • The Gemba is the Dojo by Pete Abilla from the shumla blog – “The Gemba is the Dojo — precisely because the heart and mind need to be ready for teaching; the student must be humble enough and teachable enough to be taught.”
  • Why You Need A Tatakidai by Jon Miller from Gemba Panta Rei – “But I will humbly submit that there is one more that should be added to your list, even at the expense of bumping one other out of your Lean vocabulary list (kamishibai is a candidate for removal). The word is tatakidai (叩き台). Tatakidai literally means “beating board” or chopping block.”
  • Will Medicare Force Hospitals to Go Six Sigma? by Michael Cyger from the iSixSigma Blogosphere. – “To me, it’s clear that Six Sigma – tied to the hospitals operating budget – is the answer. What has been done until now has not worked. It’s time for a change.”
  • An Error Proofing Challenge by Mark Graban from the Lean Blog – “If you absolutely needed to ensure that the pallet wasn’t double stacked, can you think of a way of error proofing that?”

Please submit your favorite management posts to the carnival. Read the previous management carnivals.

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