Agile Software Development

Nice presentation for those interested in software application development: Waterfall Bad, Washing Machine Good. I must admit I think this slide show would be much better with audio adding details… As it stands now it is a nice slide show (though maybe only if you already agree with the idea of agile development practices).

The basic idea: reduce the initial planning phase and increase the iterations (similar to turning the PDSA cycle quickly) and interaction with users. The application of agile methods does require some different thinking – less up front planning can seem odd strategy (when so often lack of planning is a problem). But within the context of software application development “planning” is largely about trying to document every single detail to eliminate the need to cooperate in the process of developing the application (keeping walls up between IT and the rest of the organization…).

Related: If Tech Companies Made SudokuAgile Software Development

Added “initial” and “up front” to clarify the planning that is reduced – see comments

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10 Responses to Agile Software Development

  1. curiouscat says:

    Good point, I edited the post to make it more obvious it is the initial planning phase that is reduced.

  2. Dave Rooney says:

    “…less planning can seem odd strategy (when so often lack of planning is a problem)”

    Actually, in Agile processes you plan considerable more than in traditional processes. The difference is that rather than having a large planning phase at the start of a project, you have a considerably smaller initial planning session followed by constant planning with each iteration. That means that after each 1-3 week increment of development, the team and stakeholders review the current plan and revise it based on what they have learned during the past iteration’s development.

    In the end, you have planned much more than you would have than with a waterfall model. By doing continuous planning, you mitigate the risk that what was planned is no longer relevant in the business context, and you also accommodate the inherent vagueness in the initial requirements for a product by refining them over time.

    Dave Rooney
    Mayford Technologies

  3. Mohan says:

    Reducing the initial planning process should not be at the cost of mitigating the strategic intent. One still would need a ‘roadmap’ and a clear view of the end-state, while development of ‘modules’ and ‘subsystems’ happen in an agile manner; right?

  4. Pingback: CuriousCat: Software Supporting Processes Not the Other Way Around

  5. No name provided says:

    Nice and understandable presentation what may be useful not only for those interested in software development, but another profession, like marketing

  6. Anonymous says:

    Very good presentation. It will help building new web based application faster

  7. Mark says:

    sorry, but is it just me or should 'Waterfall Bad, Washing Machine Good' win project presentation title of the year?!

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