Good Customer Service Example

No More Lean Excuses [the broken link was removed] by Dan Jones

I have recently been getting a striking reaction from many senior management audiences. They all agree that products have got vastly better over recent years, but they equally agree that the process of ordering and buying them and getting them serviced has got worse!

This is a theme in Jones and Womack’s recent book: Lean Solutions.

Recently I bought a new digital camera, Canon A700. Part of the reason I bought it was I had heard they actually provided customer service – you could call them and they answered and helped (plus they have long practiced good management improvement concepts, in general).

Well I received my camera and I could not open the battery compartment: which was quite frustrating. I tried following the instructions but I couldn’t get it to open. So I tried calling Canon and I got a person on the phone within 30 seconds (there was system to direct me to the right person but it was as speaking the answer to a couple questions).

Within a couple minutes the service person (based in Virginia and a Canon employee, as I understand it) had picked up a Canon A700 and explained how to open the door. I happen to think the instructions, and design, could be much better but maybe I just couldn’t see it.

Anyway I know of two companies that provide this level of phone support: Canon and Crutchfield. I am sure there are others. I am much more likely to buy from them if I have a choice.

I also very much like dealing with Amazon but they provide no after purchase service (which is why I had to call Canon – which worked very well). But for finding products and getting them shipped to me, I have been a satisfied customer for years.

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