Submit suggestions for the management improvement carnival. visit the Curious Cat Management Library for online management improvement articles.
- Cut Customer Service? You’ll Lose Customers by Scott D. Anthony – “Companies might think that innovation and survival are discrete choices. They are not. Companies that stop innovating are sowing the seeds of their own destruction.”
- End Game at Wiremold by Kevin Meyer – “The Wiremold story shows how lean thinking can completely transform a company into a competitive powerhouse… and how quickly the success can be demolished by the return of a traditional mindset.”
- Gemba-Based Leadership – Not Just for Chief Engineers by John Shook – “Here’s what lean practitioners do: grasp the situation, look for facts at the gemba, as opposed to analyzing data removed from it in time and place, and go through the Deming management cycle.”
- Where Did Value Stream Mapping Come From? by Jon Miller – “Like any tool it’s success lies in how we use it. Stakeholder maps are essential tools of change management but only as useful as what you do with the findings.”
- Agile Management with Chris Sims webcast interview by Wayne Turmel – “”
- Helping Employees Improve by John Hunter – “A manager should be enabling their employees to perform. That means taking positive steps that help them perform.”