New Lean Blog: Lean Insider

A new lean blog, from Productivity Press, starts off with: The Low Rates of Lean Implementation [the broken link was removed]:

In presenting the results during a recent Industry Week Webinar, Jane Biddle, VP of Global Manufacturing Research at Aberdeen also set forth a familiar list of characteristics of the best in class: Mastered the basic tenants of lean, dedicated to continuous improvement, top management is committed and embracing a ‘culture of lean.’ So what else is new? We’ve heard it all before, but the majority of companies still aren’t hearing it.

Don’t get me wrong; I believe that support for lean is spreading in the business world, and not just in manufacturing. But there’s still a lot of work to be done.

The most important point there is “the majority of companies still aren’t hearing it.” The difficulty is not in getting top management to say they are committed to continuous improvement and the tenants of lean (though even that might be a challenge). The real difficulty is companies actually committing to lean thinking (or six sigma or Deming or TQM…).

Via: Lean Insider, a New Lean Blog
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