Topic: Management – Library Additions
The Curious Cat Online Management Improvement Library includes hundred of online documents that have been individually selected as worthwhile for those interested in improving performance. Many of the documents we include are new, but many were written years or even decades ago (such as the article noted below by Sir R. A. Fisher written in 1947 where he sets the stage for Design of Experiments which is a critical part of Six Sigma improvement efforts). While many good ideas are new, we also believe management practice could be greatly improved by applying ideas that were expressed long ago.
Recent additions to the Curious Cat Online Management Improvement Library include:
* A Day with Dr. Russel L. Ackoff – Video by Dr. Russel L. Ackoff
* Development of the Theory of Experimental Design by Sir R.A Fisher
* The Leadership of Profound Change by Peter Senge
* The Oversight Fallacy by Peter Block
* The Old Guard vs. the Vanguard by Gary Hamel and Lloyd Switzer
* Six Sigma and the Bottom Line by Soren Bisgaard and Johanees Freieslsben
See links to these, and other new additions on the Curious Cat Management Improvement New Articles Page or search for management improvement articles.