Curious Cat Management Improvement Institute

I have established the Curious Cat Management Improvement Institute as a non profit that will serve as an online resource to help those that want to improve the practice of management.

Curious Cat Management Improvement Institute is dedicated to furthering the education, professional growth and development of current and future managers and the practice of management in organizations.

That is quite a vast aim. We do think we can provide a useful service by connecting those interested in improving the practice of management with resources that will help them do so successfully.

We are building a web site to share resources (books, articles, webcasts, blogs…) on many management improvement topics (including: respect for people, systems thinking and data. I will be spending a fair amount of time the next few months adding to those pages.

image of the screen of the CCMII website topic page for "respect for people."

Please let me know if you have comments, questions or suggestions for how to make the Curious Cat Management Improvement Institute useful to those trying to improve the practice of management. We believe there is a great deal of desire to improve how our organizations are managed. But decade after decade pass and the progress in how we manage organizations is very disappointing.

We believe we can help improve how we manage organizations. It is certainly a large task. But it is a worthwhile task and I believe an achievable one if we can think clearly and continually improve as we strive to improve the practice of management over the long term.

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