Jon Miller hosts the Management Improvement Carnival #106 on his blog, highlights include:
- 3 Observations of Healthcare vs. Construction by Mike Lombard. Lombi gives us his fresh view on the differences between construction businesses and healthcare organizations, two months after moving to a healthcare lean leader position. Culture is all about people and how they look at the world. I’m looking forward to more observations from Lombi on the culture in healthcare as he continues to explore and support process improvement.
- 10 Tips for Re-energizing Your Day, Every Day by Matthew May. This article is full of everyday wisdom on keeping our energy level high. These practices and habits are so easy to pick up yet so easy to drop during our busiest days. Thanks Matt for bringing these back to the front of our minds. Have you taken a few deep breaths today?
- How to Design Poor Service – Expect 100% Utilization of People or Resources by Mark Graban. Mark gives us a primer on how to show customers you hate them by making sure you optimize one performance metric at the expense of others. It’s a fine object lesson in reverse. It sounds like American Airlines could benefit from a bit from some valid metrics…
Related: Management and Leadership Quotes – Management Improvement Carnival #83 – Management Improvement Carnival #72