Sustaining Lean Momentum

Sustaining Lean [the broken link was removed]:

“It is an unfortunate fact that most companies are unable to sustain the gains made during their lean journeys,” said Andy Carlino, Lean Learning Center partner. “In fact, less than 37 percent of lean improvements and training actually produce meaningful and measurable results unless there has been a complete corporate culture change to lean thinking.”

Smith added, “Sustaining lean is very difficult. And, let’s clarify what sustaining means – it is NOT maintaining what you have, but sustaining continuous change. People need to understand that lean is a way of thinking, it’s a life changing event. It’s not the tools, the rules or the principles. It’s all of that added together.”

Related: Long Term Lean PayoffsHolding Improvement GainsLexus: Long Term ThinkingHow to Improvemanagement improvement articles

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