Lean Furniture Manufacturing

Pulaski’s passion for lean plumps up dealer service [the broken link was removed] by Jeff Linville

Pulaski Furniture says it has cut inventories, improved delivery times and reduced waste as part of a new emphasis on lean manufacturing.

This led to cutting out about 100 feet of conveyor line to reduce inefficiency, and moving machinery and other equipment around in the plant; a few new pieces were added too. Reducing waste didn’t mean cutting any jobs, Oakley said. Instead, some workers were reallocated to other areas as needed.

A driving influence in the decision to remake the company was to reduce inventory both for Pulaski and its retailers, said Oakley.

Reducing waste without cutting jobs it one sign of success in my book. In some instances it might not be possible, and job cuts are required but I would look at that as bad sign. Possibly necessary to save the remaining jobs but certainly something to be upset with not brag about. If a lean effort brags about job cuts I think that is a very bad sign.

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