Vice President Presents Baldrige Awards

Vice President Presents Baldrige Awards (sadly NIST broke the link so it was removed), press release from NIST (July 20, 2005).

The 2004 Baldrige Award for Quality recipients (links to case studies, NIST also broke all these links, so removed – when are they going to hire people that understand the web?):

The Bama Companies, Tulsa, Oklahoma (manufacturing category)

In its endless quest for improvement, Bama uses a battery of advanced strategies and tools, including the Bama Quality Management System, based on the quality improvement philosophies of W. Edwards Deming and the company’s own performance excellence model. The Bama Excellence System provides a framework for all decision-making. A Principle Centered Bama Culture, based on tenets developed by Stephen Covey, provides a context for creating and measuring excellence. Using Six Sigma methodologies since 2000, Bama has dramatically improved processes throughout the company. Total savings from Six Sigma improvements equates to over $17 million since 2001.

Texas Nameplate Company, Inc., Dallas, Texas (small business category) They also won an award in 1998.

Technology and training have led to dramatic improvements in production. Between 1998 and 2004, the incidence of product nonconformity with specifications, as a percentage of sales, dropped from 1.4 percent to about 0.5 percent, significantly lower than the Industry Week median (2 percent). In that same period, TNC reduced its quote response time from 6 hours to less than 2 hours, and it trimmed the length of its production cycle from 14 days to under 8 days.

Kenneth W. Monfort College of Business, Greeley, Colorado (education category)

MCB continually evaluates its performance and incorporates those evaluations into its short- and long-term planning cycles. The process includes use of Key Performance Indicators

Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Hamilton, Hamilton, New Jersey (health care category)

Also with a focus on Excellence Through Service, the leadership team works within a system that links all management functions—from planning and implementing policies, new technologies, and new facilities through ongoing cycles of evaluation and improvement—with unhindered communications at all levels. Each Executive Management Team member, including the CEO, holds daily briefings that are designed to share key information with the staff and to answer questions. As a result, over the past four years, employee satisfaction with hospital leadership has
improved to almost 100 percent.

RWJ Hamilton has reduced its rates of mortality, hospital-acquired infections, and medication errors to among the lowest in the nation.
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  1. Pingback: Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog » 2007 Baldrige National Quality Award

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