Just some quick ideas for Kanban whiteboard magnetic card options from a question I answered on Reddit.
Here is the best lean solution: Trying Out My Agile Kanban Board from Jon Miller.

Magnetic kanban board from Jon Miller.
Why, well mainly I am kidding about it being the best, but if you don’t read his Gemba Panta Rei blog you should! Go add it to your RSS feed reader, before you continue with this post.
Ok, welcome back. In addition to thinking his blog is great the solution from his blog is very flexible and easy – though it isn’t quite a packaged solution (as asked for on Reddit). Also that post provides some good insight into the thinking behind the board (as well as how to create your own).
More links with kanban board options: Magnetic whiteboard cards (50-pack) – Physical Taskboards – I think just magnetic symbols (not magnetic white board card) but could use magnet with icon to stick paper to the board
Another silly site, that sells some sort of solution, blocked my access because they don’t sell in the country my computer reported being located in. So I didn’t give them a free plug (assuming their product was decent which it might be?). Very dumb design if you ask me; well even though you didn’t ask, I told you anyway.
Localization that impedes users rather than helping them seems far far too common in my experience. Mapping (and related – find closest…) uses are about the only localization stuff I find useful – country based localization I nearly always find annoying or crippling. And showing my location on a map is totally awesome (especially as I travel around as a tourist – or really in whatever capacity). Such bad design and poor usability decisions cost companies money.
Related: Visual Management with Brown M&Ms – Making Data Visible – Deming and Software Development