Printer Product Development Using Design of Experiments

MEMS development in less than half the time by Christopher N. Delametter, Eastman Kodak Company

The traditional approach to optimizing a product or process using computer simulation is to evaluate the effects of one design parameter at a time. The problem with this approach is that interactions between design factors and second-order effects are likely to result in a locally optimized design that will provide far less performance than the global optimum. Kodak researchers use DOE to develop tests that examine first-order, second-order, and multiple factor effects simultaneously with relatively few simulation runs. The result is that the analyst can iterate to a globally optimized design with a far higher level of certainty and in much less time than the traditional approach.

By using DOE to drive CFD, Kodak researchers were able to optimize the design of the printhead in considerably less time than competitors. The advantages of simulation were especially apparent late in the project when researchers discovered a more optimal ink formulation for one of the colors.

Related: Design of Experiments articlesUsing Design of ExperimentsStatistics for ExperimentersWhy Use Designed Factorial Experiments?Kodak Debuts Printers With Inexpensive Cartridges

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