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Tag Archives: Innovation
Toyota Understands Robots are Best Used to Enhance the Value Employees Provide
Toyota has always seen robotics as a way to enhance what staff can do. Many USA executives think of robotics as a way to reduce personnel. Toyota wants to use the brainpower of employees to continually improve the organization. Toyota … Continue reading
Posted in Lean thinking, Management, Toyota Production System (TPS)
Tagged continual improvement, engineering, Innovation, Japan, lean manufacturing, managing people, Manufacturing, overpaid executives, respect for people, technology, Toyota, Toyota Production System (TPS)
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Taking Risks Based on Evidence
My opinion has long been that football teams are too scared to take an action that is smart but opens the coach to criticism. So instead of attempting to make it on 4th down (if you don’t understand American football, … Continue reading
Posted in Competition, Creativity, Data, Innovation, Management, Psychology
Tagged Creativity, evidence based management, experiments, fear, Innovation, leadership, Psychology, risk, sports
The Art of Discovery
Quality and The Art of Discovery by Professor George Box (1990): Quotes by George Box in the video: “I think of statistical methods as the use of science to make sense of numbers” “The scientific method is how we increase … Continue reading
Posted in Creativity, Data, Innovation, Management, Process improvement, Quality tools, Science, Statistics
Tagged control chart, curiouscat, Data, evidence based management, experiments, George Box, Innovation, learning, Process improvement, quote, respect for people, Statistics, technology, webcast
The Components of Genius
Wonderful poster, by Grant Snider, on the question: what is genius. Related: Comic About Programers – You Have to Find What You Love To Do – Marissa Mayer Webcast on Google Innovation – Interruptions Can Severely Damage Performance
Accept Taking Risks, Don’t Blithely Accept Failure Though
For discussion by ASQ’s Influential Voices this month, Paul Borawski looks at Risk, Failure & Careers in Quality. There is a bias toward avoiding the possibility of failure by avoiding actions which may lead to failure or even any action … Continue reading
Posted in Innovation, Management, Systems thinking
Tagged ASQ Influential Voices, experiments, Innovation, poka yoke
Customer focus is critical to succeed with management improvement efforts. Few argue with that point, though my experience as a customer provides plenty of examples of poor systems performance on providing customer value (usability, managing the value stream well, etc.). … Continue reading
Posted in Customer focus, Deming, Management
Tagged curiouscat, Customer focus, customer service, Deming, gemba, Innovation, management, quote, Systems thinking, value stream
New Deadly Diseases
Management and the economy keep evolving. Many good things happen. In the last decade the best things are probably the increased deep adoption of lean thinking in many organizations and the adoption of lean and Deming methods in software development … Continue reading
You’ve Got to Find What You Love
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love … Continue reading
Posted in Creativity, Deming, Education, Fun, Innovation, Psychology, quote
Tagged Career, Creativity, Education, Innovation, inspiration, intrinsic motivation, jobs, Joy in Work, motivation, Psychology, respect for people, Software Development
The Need to Improve Management While Building Organizations Fit For Human Beings
[embedded video link broken, so that code was removed but you can watch the video by following this link: Gary Hamel: Reinventing the Technology of Human Accomplishment. I agree with Gary Hamel that we need to adopt new management strategies. … Continue reading
Innovation in Thinking and the Web
Investing time and effort to attract “the right kind” of contributors to a news site He thought we needed to make the same shift with our users – instead of seeing having to engage with them digitally as a time-consuming … Continue reading
Posted in Customer focus, Deming, IT, Management, Process improvement
Tagged Creativity, Customer focus, Innovation, internet, Systems thinking
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