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Tag Archives: motivation
Your Purpose Must Be About You
Guest post by Jurgen Appelo I’m a writer. It’s the one thing that I intend to do for the rest of my life. That means, when I focus on writing, I cannot focus on knitting. Somebody else will have to … Continue reading
Posted in Psychology, Systems thinking
Tagged aim, guest post, intrinsic motivation, motivation, Psychology, purpose, Systems thinking
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Motivation, Rewards, Performance Appraisals and Your Career
In this interview Dan Pink again makes some great points relating to psychology, managing people and managing your career. Q. What kinds of programs can managers and companies put into place to motivate their workforce? Assuming companies are paying people … Continue reading
Posted in Creativity, Deming, Performance Appraisal, Psychology, Respect
Tagged Career, intrinsic motivation, managing people, motivation, Psychology, respect for people
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Massively Unjust Executive Compensation Damages Companies and Investments
For years I have believed the massively unjust executive compensation packages have been doing great harm to American businesses. As an investor, one of the big risks that has to be evaluated is how much of the business profits executives … Continue reading
Posted in Deming, Management, Respect
Tagged bonus, Deming, ethics, executive pay, incentives, Investing, motivation, overpaid executives, respect for people
Management Improvement Carnival #149
Jon Miller hosts Management Improvement Carnival #149 looking at blog posts examining motivation, highlights include: a wonderful cat photo Kevin Meyer found some bright spots on his trip to India and documented them in several fun articles in Evolving Excellence. … Continue reading
You’ve Got to Find What You Love
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love … Continue reading
Posted in Creativity, Deming, Education, Fun, Innovation, Psychology, quote
Tagged Career, Creativity, Education, Innovation, inspiration, intrinsic motivation, jobs, Joy in Work, motivation, Psychology, respect for people, Software Development
Many Good Employees Want to Continue to Do Their Current Job Well
Far too much focus on managing people is given to helping them get ahead. Yes many people want to be promoted, and it is good to help them. But I would guess a majority of people really don’t (at this … Continue reading
Posted in Management, Psychology, Respect
Tagged coaching, management, managing people, motivation, Psychology, respect for people
1 Comment
Build an Environment Where Intrinsic Motivation Flourishes
50 years after Douglas McGregor’s classic, The Human Side of Enterprise, too many managers still have not learned that using extrinsic motivation is not an effective way to manage complex human systems (organizations). The issue is important to me because … Continue reading
Posted in Career, Deming, Management, Process improvement, Psychology, quote, Respect, Systems thinking
Tagged Career, curiouscat, Deming, intrinsic motivation, Joy in Work, leadership, managing people, motivation, Psychology, quote, Systems thinking
Incentivizing Behavior Doesn’t Improve Results
In the webcast Dan Pink shares research results exploring human motivation and ideas on how to manage organization given the scientific research on motivation. “once a task called for even rudimentary cognitive skill a larger reward led to poorer performance” … Continue reading
Posted in Creativity, Data, Deming, Management, Psychology, quote, Respect, Science
Tagged extrinsic motivation, management research, management webcast, managing people, motivation, Psychology, purpose
Understanding Psychology: Slogans – Risky Tools
Slogans mainly are bad. But like most things they can be used in ways that help or hurt. The main problem is when they substitute for a method to achieve the aim (most of the time). If the slogan serves … Continue reading
Posted in Deming, Management, Psychology, Quality tools, quote, Respect
Tagged curiouscat, Deming, John Hunter, management, management tools, motivation, Psychology, quote, respect for people
The Trouble with Incentives: They Work
Gipsie B. Ranney has a great new article – The Trouble with Incentives: They Work I have wondered whether the escalation of pay, perks and parachutes for CEOs actually tends to attract individuals who are primarily extrinsically motivated, rather than … Continue reading