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Tag Archives: poka yoke
Bad Weather is Part of the Transportation System
The job of managers is to create a robust system that delivers value to customers. A system that fails constantly (fails during the continual variation the system faces) is a failed system. Bad weather is part of the variation airlines … Continue reading
Accept Taking Risks, Don’t Blithely Accept Failure Though
For discussion by ASQ’s Influential Voices this month, Paul Borawski looks at Risk, Failure & Careers in Quality. There is a bias toward avoiding the possibility of failure by avoiding actions which may lead to failure or even any action … Continue reading
Posted in Innovation, Management, Systems thinking
Tagged ASQ Influential Voices, experiments, Innovation, poka yoke
Visual Management with Brown M&Ms
When you hear about rock musicians having a clause in their contract that they must have a bowl of M&Ms in their dressing room with all the brown M&Ms removed you could be excused for thinking: what will these crazy … Continue reading
Posted in Creativity, Quality tools
Tagged communication, Creativity, poka yoke, problem solving, Quality tools, visual communication, visual management
Improving Software Development with Automated Tests
Automated software testing is a mistake proofing (poka-yoke) solution for software development. The way automated testing works is that software code is written that tests the software code of the application. This automated testing code test that business rules are … Continue reading
Great Visual Instruction Example
This does a great job of explaining what you need to know clearly. While this presentation for Azithromycin doesn’t prevent a mistake it sure makes it much more likely that the process can be completed successfully. We need more effort … Continue reading
Posted in Health care, Management, Psychology, Quality tools
Tagged Health care, Lean thinking, poka yoke, usability, visual instructions
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Zero Defects
Zero Defects by Norman Bodek: Do you believe it is possible to have Zero Defects? I am not talking about six sigma at all. I believe it is possible to have zero defects (in a sense). But I do not … Continue reading
Posted in Deming, Management, Quality tools, quote, Systems thinking
Tagged defects, Deming, Innovation, poka yoke, Process improvement