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Tag Archives: management webcast
Jason Fried: Why work doesn’t happen at work
In this TED talk, Jason Fried, founder of 37 signals, discusses how people get work done. When asked where do you go when you really need to get something done, almost no-one says: the office (unless it is early in … Continue reading
A Theory of a System for Educators and Managers
Excerpts from The Deming Library Volume XXI, Dr. W. Edwards Deming, Dr. Russell Ackoff and David Langford demonstrate that educators can begin a quality transformation by developing an understanding of the properties and powers of systems-oriented thinking. You can order … Continue reading
Posted in Creativity, Deming, Education, Management, quote, Systems thinking, webcast
Tagged Ackoff, curiouscat, Data, Deming, Education, Innovation, learning, management, management webcast, quote, Systems thinking, theory of knowledge, webcast
Six Sigma Interview with Jack Welch
The short video includes some interesting points by Jack Welch on six sigma. GE was a huge company and did plenty of things that could be criticized. But often those criticizing take it much to far and disregard the sensible … Continue reading
Posted in Investing, Management, Six sigma, webcast
Tagged Investing, management, management webcast, quote, Six sigma
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The role of leadership in software development
The webcast of Mary Poppendieck’s talk, The role of leadership in software development, at Google. As usual Mary does a very nice job of providing some good historical background while exploring wise management practices (tied to software development but plenty … Continue reading
Posted in Lean thinking, Management, Software Development
Tagged leadership, Lean thinking, management history, management webcast, Poppendieck, Software Development
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Stop Starting and Start Finishing – Jason Yip
Jason Yip explores the value of reducing work in process and reducing context switching costs to optimize throughput. By designing processes to work on projects serially instead of in parallel we reduce context switching, and other costs, of multitasking. Related: … Continue reading
Incentivizing Behavior Doesn’t Improve Results
In the webcast Dan Pink shares research results exploring human motivation and ideas on how to manage organization given the scientific research on motivation. “once a task called for even rudimentary cognitive skill a larger reward led to poorer performance” … Continue reading
Posted in Creativity, Data, Deming, Management, Psychology, quote, Respect, Science
Tagged extrinsic motivation, management research, management webcast, managing people, motivation, Psychology, purpose
Lean Manufacturing Simulation (webcast)
This webcast, from the MIT Open Courseware initiative, shows a simulation (with legos). And in doing so explores the advantages of lean manufacturing methods. Related: Red Bead Experiment Webcast – one-piece flow – Applied Quality Engineering Education – The Lean … Continue reading
Posted in Education, Lean thinking, webcast
Tagged Education, lean manufacturing, management webcast, webcasts
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Video Overview of the PDSA Cycle
Robert Lloyd, PhD From the IHI Open School‘s, presents a nice overview of the PDSA Cycle (plan-do-study-act). The webcast includes an example of using PDSA to improve the discharge process for a hospital. As I have said many times the … Continue reading
Posted in Deming, Health care, Management, Process improvement, Quality tools, Science, webcast
Tagged Deming, Health care, management webcast, Process improvement, Quality tools
Management Webcast: Introduction to Lean Manufacturing
Webcast introduction to lean manufacturing by Ron Pereira. This is a great 9 minute introduction to the topic, for those not familiar with lean thinking. It sets the context for lean thinking and provides some history on how lean manufacturing … Continue reading
Posted in Deming, Lean thinking, Management, Toyota Production System (TPS), webcast
Tagged lean manufacturing, management, management history, management webcast, webcast
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Extrinsic Incentives Kill Creativity
If you read this blog, you know I believe extrinsic motivation is a poor strategy. This TED webcast Dan Pink discusses studies showing extrinsic rewards failing. This is a great webcast, definitely worth 20 minutes of your time. “you’ve got … Continue reading