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Category Archives: Systems thinking
Management is Prediction
re: post on prediction [link broken, so removed] on the Deming Electronic Network, Petter Ogland wrote: …that intelligence more or less boils down to updating a predictive model of the world. As far as I can see, this is the … Continue reading
Posted in Deming, Management, Process improvement, Quality tools, quote, Systems thinking
Tagged Deming, prediction, Process improvement, theory of knowledge
Fast Company Interview: Jeff Immelt
Fast Company Interview: Jeff Immelt, CEO, GE. What makes a growth leader today, and how does that differ from the sort of leader who was effective at GE in the past? GE has always been a believer in leadership development. … Continue reading
Posted in Innovation, Management, Process improvement, quote, Six sigma, Systems thinking
Tagged business, Management, Process improvement, Six sigma, system thinking
Millennium Development Goals
re: Six Sigma Training for the G-8? Interestingly Prime minstrel Blair recently showed an understanding of systems thinking (specifically how targets can result in worse performance, when targets result in distortion of the system rather than improvement). In the targets … Continue reading
Posted in Economics, Health care, Management, Six sigma, Systems thinking
Tagged Economics
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Targets Distorting the System
I still remember Dr. Brian Joiner speaking about process improvement and the role of data well over a decade ago. He spoke of 3 ways to improve the figures: distort the data, distort the system and improve the system. Improving … Continue reading
Posted in Data, Deming, Management, Systems thinking
Tagged Brian Joiner, Data, Deming, management, Systems thinking
From Mechanistic to Social Systemic Thinking
The Ackoff Center has posted a presentation, From Mechanistic to Social Systemic Thinking (pdf format), given by Russell Ackoff in November 1993 at the Systems Thinking in Action Conference. As usual he presents many great ideas well. And ten years … Continue reading
Posted in Management, Systems thinking
SEC chief quotes Deming
Security and Exchange Chairman William H. Donaldson Speaks At Chartered Financial Analysts Institute Annual Conference [broken link removed]: This approach will, ultimately, better serve investors, and it will also gradually temper the pressures on some corporate executives to fudge the … Continue reading
Posted in Deming, Management, Systems thinking
Tagged Deming, Psychology, system thinking, targets
1 Comment
Traffic Congestion and a Non-Solution
Topic: Management Improvement, Problem Solving I read, Study: Nation’s Traffic Jams Worsening [the broken link was removed], today on CNN.com. That same headline could have appeared in newspapers every day for the last few years. For decades traffic congestion has … Continue reading
Posted in Creativity, Management, Systems thinking
Tagged Ackoff, cars, Creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, Systems thinking
Designing a New Organization
re: What about Designing New Organizations? [the broken link has been removed] Guidance for “designing a new organisation and not for analysis of an existing one?” (edited) I would add Russell Ackoff to the top of the list of those … Continue reading
Dangers of Forgetting the Proxy Nature of Data
We use data to act as a proxy for some results of the system. Often people forget that the end result is not for the number to be improved but for the situation to be improved. We hope, if the measure improves the situation will have improved. But there are many reasons this may not be the case (one number improving at the expense of other parts of the system, the failure of the number to accurately serve as a proxy, distorting numbers, etc.). Continue reading
Posted in Data, Deming, Management, Popular, quote, Systems thinking
Tagged Brian Joiner, curiouscat, Data, Deming, Madison, Management, Popular, quote, Statistics, Systems thinking