This is a list of the 20 most popular posts on the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog last year (as measured by page views, as recorded by my analytics application).
- The Toyota Way – Two Pillars (2010)
- Stated Versus Revealed Preference (2013)
- The Purpose of an Organization (2005)
- 94% Belongs to the System (2013)
- How to Get a New Management Strategy, Tool or Concept Adopted (2010)

John Hunter, Hurricane Ridge Trail, Olympic National Park
- One factor at a time (OFAT) Versus Factorial Designs (2011)
- The Aim Should be the Best Life – Not Work v. Life Balance (2015)
- Why Don’t Football Players Just Thrown the Ball Out of Bounds to Stop the Clock (2010)
- No True Lean Thinking or Agile Software Development (2010)
- Steve Jobs on Quality, Business and Joseph Juran (2014)
- Don’t Treat People How You Want to be Treated (2010)
- Keys to the Effective Use of the PDSA Improvement Cycle (2012)
- Visual Management and Mistake-Proofing for Prescription Pills (2015)
- Toyota Post Record Profit: Splits $15 million in Pay and Bonus for top 21 Executives (2014)
- What to Do To Create a Continual Improvement Culture (2015)
- Peter Scholtes (2009)
- All Data is Wrong, Some is Useful (2015)
- Building a Great Software Development Team (2014)
- Paying New Employees to Quit (2008)
- Increasing the Adoption of Management Improvement Ideas in Your Organization (2010)
7 of the 10 most popular posts in 2014 were in the top 10 again this year. 2 others were the 11th and 12th most popular in 2015 and only one failed to make the top 20 (it was in 31st place).
One of the things this illustrates is why it is so important to have urls (web addresses) live forever. The idea that ancient (in web thinking) content doesn’t matter is not accurate. My site is a tiny population and shouldn’t be used to make a judgement but it illustrates what is very common for sites with high quality content. If the content is good, the shelf live usually isn’t just 1 week (or even 1 decade).
The most popular posts in 2015 were originally published in
2015: 4
2014: 3
2013: 2
2012: 1
2011: 1
2010: 6
2009: 1
2008: 1
2005: 1
Related: Most Popular Links on Management Sub-Reddit in 2015 – 10 Most Popular Posts on The W. Edwards Deming Institute Blog in 2015 – Most Popular Posts on the Curious Cat Management Comments Blog – The Most Popular Photos on the Curious Cat Travel Photos Blog in 2015
Thank you for the roundup, John. I agree – I’ve been following your blog and a few others for several years now, and a lot of the content is as helpful and timely in my work now as it was when first posted (often more as I learn more). I would be sad to see any of the pages go away.
Nice photo! I followed that trail about a week ago on snowshoes, and the depth of the views in the Olympics on a clear day is always wonderful.
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