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Tag Archives: purpose
Your Purpose Must Be About You
Guest post by Jurgen Appelo I’m a writer. It’s the one thing that I intend to do for the rest of my life. That means, when I focus on writing, I cannot focus on knitting. Somebody else will have to … Continue reading
Posted in Psychology, Systems thinking
Tagged aim, guest post, intrinsic motivation, motivation, Psychology, purpose, Systems thinking
1 Comment
Ackoff: Corporations Are Not Led By Those Seeking to Maximize Shareholder Value
If I had to limit myself to a handful of management experts, Russel Ackoff would definitely be in that group. Thankfully there is no such limit. Ackoff once again provides great insight, with great wit, in the above clip. A … Continue reading
Posted in Fun, Management, Systems thinking, webcast
Tagged Ackoff, aim, culture, evidence based management, leadership, management webcast, purpose, quote, theory of knowledge
The Customer is the Purpose of Our Work
A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider … Continue reading
Posted in Customer focus, Management, Psychology, quote, Respect, Systems thinking
Tagged aim, Customer focus, customer service, food, Psychology, purpose, quote, respect for people
Frugal Innovation
First break all the rules The device is a masterpiece of simplification. The multiple buttons on conventional ECGs have been reduced to just four. The bulky printer has been replaced by one of those tiny gadgets used in portable ticket … Continue reading
Posted in Creativity, India, Innovation, quote
Tagged Creativity, disruptive innovation, Economics, Innovation, purpose, quote, simplicity
1 Comment
Incentivizing Behavior Doesn’t Improve Results
In the webcast Dan Pink shares research results exploring human motivation and ideas on how to manage organization given the scientific research on motivation. “once a task called for even rudimentary cognitive skill a larger reward led to poorer performance” … Continue reading
Posted in Creativity, Data, Deming, Management, Psychology, quote, Respect, Science
Tagged extrinsic motivation, management research, management webcast, managing people, motivation, Psychology, purpose
Akio Toyoda’s Message Shows Real Leadership
Speech by Akio Toyoda Since the birth of Toyota, the company’s philosophy has always been to “contribute to society.” … “Contributing to society” at Toyota means two things. First, it means, “to manufacture automobiles that meet the needs of society … Continue reading
Corporations Do Not Exist Solely to Maximize the Bottom Line
Do corporations exist solely to maximize their bottom lines? We don’t think so., Forbes Magazine: When Bill Gates suggested recently that corporations should sacrifice profits to the public welfare, practicing what he called “creative capitalism,” he wasn’t the first robber … Continue reading
Posted in Deming, Economics, Management, Toyota Production System (TPS)
Tagged Deming, Economics, purpose, stakeholders, stockholders, suppliers
Communicating Change
Response to: Sales Compensation Plan Changes [the broken link has been removed] I believe the best way to communicate such changes is to explain how they tie into the long term vision of the organization. This requires that such a … Continue reading
Posted in Deming, Management, Systems thinking
Tagged change, communication, management, purpose, Systems thinking
A Company’s Purpose is to be Useful to Society
Toyota powers to the front [the broken link was removed] (Toyota President, Katsuaki Watanabe) eschews the normal management mantra of shareholder value above all. A company’s purpose, Watanabe insists, is to be useful to society. W. Edwards Deming described the … Continue reading
The Power of Purpose
The Power of Purpose by Rebecca A. Morgan: Constancy of purpose means that quality decisions are not situational. End of month quality is the same as beginning of month. It means that the long term benefit of the organization is … Continue reading