Learn how to do your work better, faster, and for less cost, plus find more time to plan your future and develop balance in your life – Attend The W. Edwards Deming Institute Fall Conference. Gain new insights to:
* Reduce product and service variation
* Enhance job satisfaction
* Redesign organizations as a system
* Appreciate the thinking behind the Toyota Production System
* Discover the role of psychology in continual improvement
* Understand trends in improving healthcare
Speakers include: Norm Bafunno (Senior Vice President – Manufacturing and Administration, Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Indiana, Inc.), Bill Bellows – Associate Technical Fellow, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne), Joyce Orsini (Fordham University, Deming Scholars MBA Program), John Pourdehnad – Ackoff Center for Advancement of Systems Approaches), Gipsie Ranney (Statistical Consultant) and Don Wheeler (Consulting Statistician and Author).
Related: Curious Cat Management Improvement Calendar – Thoughts on 2006 Deming Institute Conference – Improvement at UTC (2005 Deming conference) – Deming’s Ideas at Markey’s Audio Visual – Improving Problem Solving by Ian Bradbury and Gipsie Ranney.