The Curious Cat Management Improvement Calendar includes several interesting conferences and seminars [the broken link was removed] taking place the rest of this year including:
- Deming Immersion Program [the broken link was removed] – an opportunity for no more than 12 Deming students to learn from Dr. Gipsie Ranney, Dr. Michael Tveite, and Dr. Joyce Orsini over 6 days.
- Lean Accounting Summit
- W. Edwards Deming Institute Annual Conference [the broken link was removed] – I will be at this conference, John Hunter
- Linking Lean Thinking to Education [the broken link was removed], speakers include Dr. James P. Womack. Co-sponsored by the Lean Education Academic Network. Prospective speakers should submit a short abstract (150-200 words) by Aug. 23, 2006.
- 19th Annual Hunter Conference on Quality, named after my father, Bill Hunter