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Tag Archives: management
Management Improvement Carnival #97
Mike Wroblewski is hosting Management Improvement Carnival #97 on the Got Boondoggle? blog, highlights include: Bagel with a side of Jidoka by Evan Durant – “And the more we explore the concept of Jidoka the more we are forced to … Continue reading
Ignoring Unpleasant Truths is Often Encouraged
We can’t Handle the Truth Unfortunately, the proverbial “kill the messenger” is alive and well in American business. People who speak the truth are often labeled as a non-team player, a disrupter, a trouble maker or the current tag of … Continue reading
Posted in Management, Process improvement, Psychology, quote, Systems thinking
Tagged management, Process improvement, Psychology, quote, respect for people, Systems thinking
Curious Cat Management Carnival #96
The Curious Cat Management blog carnival selects recent management blog posts 3 times each month. Also visit the Curious Cat Management Library for online management improvement articles. Kanban Systems in Software Development – “In the field, I’ve seen Kanban work … Continue reading
Management Improvement Carnival #95
Bryan Lund is hosting Management Improvement Carnival #95 on the Training Within Industry blog, highlights include: Kathleen Fasenella talks about “How to Sew Faster” at Fashion Incubator… Leansters will appreciate the industrial engineer that resides in Kathleen’s work – Part … Continue reading
The Toyota Way – Two Pillars
Toyota is receiving plenty of criticism now, much of it for good reason. There is also a large amount of psychology involved. From what I have seen, the insurance companies still see better claims history (fewer and lower cost claims) … Continue reading
Posted in Deming, Lean thinking, Management, Manufacturing, Popular, Process improvement, quote, Respect, Toyota Production System (TPS)
Tagged continual improvement, curiouscat, lean management, lean manufacturing, Lean thinking, management, managing people, Popular, quote, respect for people, Toyota, Toyota Production System (TPS)
Management Improvement Carnival #94
The Curious Cat Management blog carnival highlights management blog posts 3 times each month. I have also collected hundreds of online management improvement articles in the Curious Cat Management Library. Why You Should Never Listen to Your Customers by Mark … Continue reading
Taxes per Person by Country
I think that the idea that data lies is false, and that such a notion is commonly held a sign of lazy intellect. You can present data in different ways to focus on different aspects of a system. And you … Continue reading
Management Blog Posts From April 2006
Here are some of the blog posts from the Curious Cat Management Improvement made in April 2006: PBS Documentary: Improving Hospitals – “Systems thinking allows leaders and staff to see the complex, modern workplace with ‘new eyes’ and turn problems … Continue reading
Posted in Management
Tagged archive, management
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Management Improvement Carnival #93
Kevin Meyer is hosting Management Improvement Carnival #93 on the Evolving Excellence blog, highlights include: Seven Virtues of the 21st Century Organization (Weekly Leader): Purpose-driven organic adaptability, values that are operational. Value in Lean (Thinking for a Change): How do … Continue reading
Aligning Marketing Vision and Management
Why do so many companies market one thing and provide something else? I know it might be easier to sell something different than what you offer your customer today. But if you decide to market one vision, why don’t you … Continue reading
Posted in Customer focus, Management, Popular, quote, Respect, Systems thinking
Tagged Customer focus, customer service, John Hunter, management, marketing, Popular, quote, respect for people, Systems thinking