Jamie Flinchbaugh hosts the Management Improvement Carnival #103 on his blog, highlights include:
- How do you change a culture? – Obviously a big question and one I spend considerable time on, but LeanRI.org throws in on a challenging and important question.
- Spot the Northwest Flight Attendant – Simon Sinek demonstrates how pervasive culture can be and how it impacts customer service, and even customer culture.
- UK Government Wants Lean and Six Sigma or Just Cost Cutting – Mark Graban takes on simultaneously the misunderstanding of lean by the press and the misapplication of lean by the UK Government.
- Lean Consumption: A Summary – since Womack and Jones Lean Solutions book, there still hasn’t been much written about lean consumption but Pete Abilla take it on here.
Related: 2009 Annual Management Blog Review Part 1 – management improvement articles – Curious Cat Management Improvement Search