Online Lean Manufacturing Tutorials

Tutorials on Lean Production / Lean Manufacturing [the broken link was removed] from the Defense Acquisition University. The site includes five short online videos by James Womack [the broken link was removed]. The site provides a nice introduction to lean ideas.

Mr. John Shook… “Lean Manufacturing is a manufacturing philosophy which shortens the time between the customer order and the product build/shipment by eliminating sources of waste.”

Key lean principles are:

– Waste minimization by removing all non-value added activities making the most efficient use of scarce resources (capital, people, space), just-in-time inventory, eliminating any safety nets.

– Continuous improvement (reducing costs, improving quality, increasing productivity) through dynamic process of change, simultaneous and integrated product/process development, rapid cycle time and time-to-market, openness and information sharing.

– Long-term relationships between suppliers and primary producers (assemblers, system integrators) through collaborative risk-sharing, cost-sharing and information-sharing arrangements.

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