These posts were the most popular posts on the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog in 2020 (as measured by page views recorded by my analytics application).
I wrote very few posts for this blog last year. The historical Curious Cat management RSS feed provides a feed of all the past posts about management (I also provide other Curious Cat RSS feeds).
This year 15 posts are repeats from the 2019 top 20 list. Of the new top 20 posts 3 were published in 2006, 1 in 2010 and 1 in 2011. The long term value of good blog content is overlooked by many people. I hope you continue to enjoy this blog, both the new content and the content I published many years ago.
- The Toyota Way – Two Pillars (2010)
- How to Manage What You Can’t Measure (2010)
- 94% Belongs to the System (2013)
- Keys to the Effective Use of the PDSA Improvement Cycle (2012)
- The Purpose of an Organization (2005)
- Stated Versus Revealed Preference (2013)
- The Importance of Critical Thinking and Challenging Assumptions (2017)
- One factor at a time (OFAT) Versus Factorial Designs (2011)
- Cease Mass Inspection for Quality (2006)*
- Practical Ways to Demonstrate Respect People (2011)*

John Hunter at the Borobudur Buddhist Temple in Indonesia.
- Steve Jobs on Quality, Business and Joseph Juran (2014)
- Outcome and In-Process Measures (2008)
- Change Your Name (2006)*
- Don’t Treat People How You Want to be Treated (2010)
- Deming and Toyota (2006)*
- How to Create a Control Chart for Seasonal or Trending Data (2009)
- A Temporal Component to Your Circle of Influence (2010)
- Find the Root Cause Instead of the Person to Blame (2006)
- Experience Teaches Nothing Without Theory (2013)
- The Problem is Likely Not the Person Pointing Out The Problem (2010)*
* not listed in the top 20 last year
It is important to have urls (web addresses) live forever. The idea that old content doesn’t matter is not accurate (yet I constantly find broken links as sites fail to manage their content properly). If the content is good, the shelf life usually is much longer than 1 month, 1 year, or even 1 decade.
The most popular posts in 2020 were originally published in:
2017: 1
2014: 1
2013: 3
2012: 1
2011: 2
2010: 5
2009: 1
2008: 1
2006: 4
2005: 1
Some posts that nearly made the top 20: Dee Hock on Hiring (2010), Excessive Executive Pay (2005), The aim of leadership is not merely to find and record failures of men (2011), Effective Change Management Strategies and Tactics (2018), Peter Scholtes on Teams and Viewing the Organization as a System (2018),
We are Being Ruined by the Best Efforts of People Who are Doing the Wrong Things (2012), Dangers of Forgetting the Proxy Nature of Data (2004), How to Get a New Management Strategy, Tool or Concept Adopted (2010), Build an Environment Where Intrinsic Motivation Flourishes (2010), Why Do People Fail to Adopt Better Management Methods? (2017) and What to Do To Create a Continual Improvement Culture (2015).
Related: 20 Most Popular Posts on the Curious Cat Management Blog in 2018 – Most Popular Posts on the Curious Cat Management Blog in 2016 – 10 Most Popular Posts on the Curious Cat Management Blog in 2014